tumour frequency: Bladder

Top five tumours most diagnosed in Veneto and proportion with the total number of tumours by sex

Select time period and sex

Most frequent tumours by age groups: Bladder

Top five tumours most diagnosed in Veneto and proportion with the total number of tumours by sex and by large age group

Select time period

Geografical distribution of tumours in Veneto

Relative risk at municipality level - Bladder

Empirical Bayesian Risk (EBR). Period 2018-2020.

Coming soon...

Distribution by age groups

Incidence ratio by sex and age groups - Bladder

Rate per 100,000 population. Years 2018-2020

Incidence trends

Trends of incidence ratio from 1987 to 2020 - Bladder

Standardized ratio per 100,000 residents, European 2013 population

Incidence trends by age groups

Trends of incidence ratio by age groups from 1987 to 2020 - Bladder

Rate per 100,000 population.

Temporal change of incidence ratios

Temporal change of standardized incidence ratio from 1987 to 2020

Incidence statistics by ULSS

Standardized Incidence Ratio by ULSS - Bladder

Standardized ratio per 100,000 residents, European 2013 population with 95% confidence interval

Incidence temporal trend - Comparison by tumour site

Trends in standardized incidence rates from 1987 to 2020 - Comparison by tumour site

Standardized ratio per 100,000 residents, European 2013 population

Cumulative risk

Number of people to follow during lifetime (from 0 to 84 years) to find one with the selected pathology


Quality indicators

Quality of tumour registry incidence data
